
Unlocking Knowledge, Igniting Curiosity and Continuous Learning 

Navigating the Cloud:
My Odyssey with Oracle APEX and the Art of Continuous Learning

Greetings, fellow learners and digital explorers! Join me on an exciting venture into the realms of Oracle Cloud and the revolutionary Oracle APEX technology. As I embark on my journey of discovery and continuous learning, I invite you to traverse this dynamic landscape with me, where every click and keystroke propels us further into the future of application development.

In this blog, I wear the hat of both a learner and a guide, unraveling the intricacies of Oracle Cloud and APEX. The fusion of these technologies isn’t just a tool in my hands; it’s a gateway to innovation, a canvas for creativity, and a catalyst for continuous improvement. Together, let’s embrace the ethos of perpetual learning and growth.

Expect insights into my trials, triumphs, and the ever-expanding horizons of Oracle APEX. From demystifying the cloud’s potential to harnessing the simplicity of low-code development, we’ll unravel the layers that make Oracle Cloud and APEX a formidable force in the world of technology.

This blog isn’t just about Oracle APEX—it’s a chronicle of my journey into the depths of continuous learning. As I grapple with challenges, celebrate victories, and share newfound wisdom, I extend an invitation to fellow enthusiasts, learners, and dreamers. Let’s build a community where knowledge flows freely, curiosity is celebrated, and the pursuit of excellence is a shared endeavor.

So, fasten your seatbelts as we navigate the cloud, explore the capabilities of Oracle APEX, and embrace the exhilarating path of continuous learning. Together, let’s turn every challenge into an opportunity, and every lesson into a stepping stone toward mastery. Welcome to a space where learning is not just a destination but a thrilling, ongoing journey.

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Enabling graphQL on ORDS

In today’s data-driven world, the need for flexible and efficient data querying solutions has never been greater. Traditional REST APIs have served us well, but they often fall short in scenarios requiring more granular data fetching. With GraphQL, a powerful query language for APIs that allows clients to request exactly the data they need. Combining

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Simplified QR Code Generation with JavaScript’s MLE

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to utilize JavaScript/MLE to develop a QR Code application. Before delving into the application creation process, it’s important to note that although I operate in the APEX 23.2 version environment, the JavaScript/MLE functionality is available as early as version 23.1, residing within the Oracle Database 23c Free-Developer Release.

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JavaScript on Oracle 23c powered by GraalVM

In Oracle 21c introduces JavaScript as a new language for server-side development, adding to its existing capabilities. JavaScript, widely known for its versatility and popularity in both front-end and back-end development, has been integrated into Oracle’s Converged Database concept.  This concept emphasizes a flexible, multi-model database system that caters to various development needs, making development

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Apex and Ubiquitous Database Search

Do you wonder how to apply a Google-like search (“ubiquitous search”) engine on the Oracle database? “Oracle Text” is a product within the database capable of producing a full-text (keyword) search from different documents. It is fully integrated and available in all versions of the database without any further installation. It has been around for

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APEX_WEB_SERVICE Simplifies Oauth2.0 Web Services

In OAuth 2.0 client credentials, acquiring a token necessitates passing the client ID and client secret. Upon successful validation, a token is returned, which is then utilized to access other secured web services. This token remains valid for multiple calls to web services until its expiration. One method of calling web services involves using UTL_HTTP,

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APEX_WEB_SERVICE Certificate Error

Encountering a certificate validation failure while utilizing the APEX_WEB_SERVICE API to call a public web service prompted this error in a newly installed local Oracle APEX environment. This issue doesn’t arise when utilizing Oracle OCI Autonomous or APEX services, as Oracle automatically generates a TLS wallet, inclusive of almost every SSL/TLS certificate. select apex_web_service.make_rest_request (p_url

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